• wedding

    Emily + Andrew | Married! 07.20.13 | Broadturn Farm Wedding | Scarborough, Maine Wedding | Maine Wedding Photographer

    This is Emily & Andrew! Emily found me on A Practical Wedding and told me all about their plan for their celebration — she emphasized how laid-back they were, and how they were going for “a focus on fun and not fancy”. We met in person and I immediately got a good feeling — you can’t meet these two and NOT feel happy! — and they told me about how they were skipping many of the wedding traditions and deciding to focus more on everyone having a great time, playing games, enjoying the outdoors, and meeting and enjoying each others’ company. Sounds like my kind of wedding! They were married…

  • flashback friday

    Flashback Friday!

    Welcome to the newest installment of this blog… FLASHBACK FRIDAY! This is basically going to be a look back at previous years, whether it be weddings, portraits, or my personal life! I think it’s important to recognize where you’ve come from as well as acknowledging how far you’ve come as an artist and a professional. This week’s Flashback Friday is from December 30th, 2011. I was in Sharon, Massachusetts, on a wintery day photographing Sarah & Allie’s wedding! They were married in a super intimate ceremony at their friend’s parents’ home, and there were only 7 of us total (plus Sarah’s mom via Skype!). It was awesome and fun and…

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