Hilary | Head Shots! | East End Head Shot Session | Portland, Maine Head Shot Photographer
This is Hilary! She’s actually a friend of mine — we went to the same high school for a short period and always had mutual friends — so I was THRILLED to do some head shots for her! She needed some good ones for acting gigs she was trying out for. I’ve never seen her act, but I would pay to see ANY show she was in — girl’s got charisma (and could make ANYONE laugh). We had an amazing time walking around the East End in Portland. 🙂
Instagram Monday! 08/26/13 – 09/01/13
HEY FRIENDS! Another late Instagram Monday… but WHATEVA! It’s been a busy week, and that’s a good thing. 🙂 We had my brother & his girlfriend over and the dogs decided to basically make out in Gray’s lap. EW! The Bengal & Mukow continued to co-exist… this time in Nate’s music room! My cactus grew itself a baby cactus… on its head. I drove into a foggy abyss. In the same foggy abyss… did an engagement session in Portsmouth and it stayed foggy the entire time. YES! Went to breakfast with my Mom at my favorite spot – The Bayou Kitchen! Also went for frozen yogurt with my Mom –…