Portland, Maine Pilates Studio | Move ME Pilates!
This Portland, Maine pilates studio was one of my very last jobs before the pandemic lockdown hit back in March 2020. I’m so glad I had a chance to meet Melissa and join her for one of her amazing classes! Move ME Pilates is located in Portland, Maine on Washington Avenue, super conveniently located for so many surrounding neighborhoods. Melissa is the owner but the studio has several other teachers as well and they offer various types of pilates and barre classes, with some even being available via ZOOM! I was lucky enough to join Melissa and a whole group of women for an extensive class and they utilized mats, the bar, weights, medicine balls, and even some more complicated equipment that had me in awe of EVERYONE’S strength and flexibility. I mostly focused on candids of everyone doing their thing (and genuinely having so much fun and laughing a lot), and also got some solo photos of Melissa both in more classic head shot style as well as balancing and manipulating her body to show her flexibility and experience! It was such a cool experience and I hope to visit again soon for an actual class.