Colored Holi Powder Family Session | Katie, Jason, & Raistlin!
This colored Holi powder family session is pretty special to me because this was my SIXTH year photographing this bunch — my longest standing repeat family session! Our first session ever was at Fuller Farm, when Raistlin was tiny… then we went to Fort Williams for year two… we did East End Beach for year three… Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse for year four… and more of a city vibe in the West End for year five! We decided to head back to Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth for year six because, well, it’s one of the most awesome places around! Each year we do this shoot, they become more relaxed, and Raistlin becomes more curious (and hilarious!). He spends so much time reading signs, telling us interesting historical tidbits, and just generally proving that he’s smarter than all three of us combined. It’s pretty great. 🙂 We also decided to mix it up this year with some COLORED HOLI POWDER! We did the more standard (and more clean…) family photos first, and then we went down onto the beach and the REAL fun began. 😉