
  • portland, maine senior photos

    Portland, Maine Senior Photos | Eliza!

    These Portland, Maine senior photos at East End Beach with Eliza were HILARIOUSLY fun — can’t you tell!? My family has known Eliza’s family for, well… a long time. We haven’t always been super close but we used to live on the same street when I was in grade school, so Eliza’s mom and my mom got to know each other! Eliza’s mom, Anne, got in touch with me to do some photos with Eliza for her birthday, and I was so excited! These were meant to just be fun, celebrate yourself, self-esteem booster photos and we had SO MUCH fun with it. It was CHILLY out that day but…

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  • cape elizabeth, maine senior photos

    Cape Elizabeth, Maine Senior Photos | Colby!

    These Cape Elizabeth, Maine senior photos with Colby were AWESOME — he was so comfortable on camera and even brought some fierceness! Colby was starting his senior year at Cheverus soon so his mom got in touch with me for some photos. I’m actually a Cheverus alumni myself so it was super cool to talk with him during the session and see how the school has changed — and how it’s stayed exactly the same! We did the photos at Two Lights in Cape Elizabeth, right next to the Lobster Shack at Two Lights, and it was the PERFECT late summer day. His parents came along for the ride as…

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