2021 Was a Whirlwind
I’d be lying if I said that 2021 wasn’t shitty in countless ways. It was filled with anguish, confusion, fear, loneliness, grief, anger, uncertainty, and utter disbelief at the state of the world. We didn’t travel, we missed our families, we tried to do our part, do our best, do what we felt was right. We felt like we were taking risks with things that used to be a seamless part of daily life. We didn’t step foot inside a restaurant, didn’t go to theme parks or concerts. You could say we missed out on a lot. But in addition to that, we had an absolutely incredible year.
I baked 100 (ONE HUNDRED!!) times — cookies, cakes, bread, lots of firsts and some lasts. I started watching The Great British Baking Show and fell in love with Noel. We went on more walks than I can count around our neighborhood, to the nearby busy road to watch cars, and to “our” playground at the school a stone’s throw from our house. Julian had many milestones — he gave up drinking milk, fell in and out of love with the vacuum, had his first fever (and his first COVID test), got rid of his bottles and pacifier, started sleeping solely in our bed rather than a crib, became enamored with fire trucks, held our hands for the first time, wore his first pair of sandals (which he only recently gave up…), got a swing set for the yard, and went to Long Island (a very special spot for my husband) for the first time ever. I did 202 photoshoots (& a few weddings). I got paid for something I baked for the first time. I watched 162 feature length films and 181 short films. We went on 235 (yes I counted) adventures — that would be any outdoor fun that requires a car ride — to over 50 different places: beaches, farms, playgrounds, parks. Nate cut his beautiful hair off. I weaned from pumping after 19 months. We started watching Criminal Minds. We got vaccinated (and boosted!). I spent the day with Patrick Dempsey!!! My brother and I released 11 episodes of our podcast, Unknowable. We got our first bird feeders. First bike trailer. First tomato plant (which thrived!). New siding. New fridge. I spent SIX MONTHS obsessing over Bo Burnham’s Inside (I’m still not done, that will come with me into 2022). I got to see my grandmother for the first time in a year and a half. We hatched a monarch butterfly. Took my mom to see a neurologist (a huge step that was years in the making). I got my hair colored after 18 months of it growing out. Our dog got a cancerous mass removed. It was……. an absolutely wild, off-the-wall, intense year and I can’t even imagine what 2022 will bring us.